My 40’s were the hardest years of my life when it came to my health.

It started with inflammation from living in a moldy home that set my hormones into a tailspin!🌀

I was sick all the time. Dark circles under my eyes. I had no energy. Never slept. Anything I ate or came in contact with made me sick or break out in a rash.

All while trying to grow a fitness business, plan a wedding, & add kids into my life!😳

While those were all amazing & exciting things, I really don’t feel like I was able to enjoy them as much as I would have been able to had I felt “normal.”

But, being the problem solver that I am, I was persistent in finding out what was happening to my body, because I was tired of walking around feeling like a zombie.🧟‍♀️

So I went to see an ENT, had a food sensitivity test done, sought out ND after ND, did acupuncture, & spent thousands of dollars on blood draws & DR visits to find out what was going on.

My healing process started with a lot of 💊 supplements because I was so depleted—-but I needed to make lifestyle changes too, & that included moving into a clean home!

🔹Even though I ate pretty clean, there were still things that were causing more inflammation on my over-inflamed body— so no more gluten/wheat, I cut way back on dairy, & way less alcohol.

🔹I had to focus 100% on sleep, making a nighttime routine a priority, no matter where I was or what I was doing!

🔹I had to cut back on all the running I was doing & stop doing high-intensity workouts.

🔹I had to clean up all my beauty products and cleaning products.

Most people thought I was a freak, but I was so desperate to pull myself out of that deep dark hole, that I was willing to do anything.

It took about 6 years to get my health back completely & then menopause hit & BAM! It’s like I had to start all over figuring out what to do.

That was 4 years ago and now I feel the best I have in over 10 years!🤩

I am stronger, healthier, and wiser & my passion is to help women get through these transitional years with more knowledge of what is going on so they don’t have to suffer through it.

YOU are not alone. I have been there, and I understand.🥰