Struggling to lose weight during menopause

Struggling to lose weight during menopause? Struggling with weight loss during menopause? It might not be just your hormones!ㅤDid you know your gut health can play a HUGE role in how your body processes food and stores fat?ㅤHere are some signs your gut health might be out of whack:BloatingConstipation or diarrheaFatigueSkin problemsFood intolerancesSugar CravingsWeight Loss […]

As we approach perimenopause and beyond, our estrogen levels can take a dive, leading to a host of symptoms that make us feel like our bodies are on a rollercoaster. Estrogen isn’t just about our menstrual cycles; it plays a role in so many aspects of our well-being, including metabolism and weight management.ㅤ When estrogen […]

Struggling to see that weight budge on the scale?

ㅤ First step, throw away the scale! Focus on building a healthy, strong body instead. You could be losing inches and gaining muscle, which is actually a good thing! Muscle burns more calories at rest, helping you reach your goals faster. Instead of stepping on the scale daily, once per week, measure your waist around […]

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My 40’s Hit me HARD!

My 40’s were the hardest years of my life when it came to my health. It started with inflammation from living in a moldy home that set my hormones into a tailspin! I was sick all the time. Dark circles under my eyes. I had no energy. Never slept. Anything I ate or came in […]

Is Inflammation keeping you from losing weight?

Feeling frustrated that the weight just won’t budge? It’s not your fault!   Menopause brings a hormonal shift that can lead to low-grade inflammation throughout your body.   Let’s break it down:   Estrogen has superpowers – one of them being keeping inflammation in check. When estrogen levels drop during menopause, that internal fire can […]